Secure cloud data backup and disaster recovery software

What is Encryption and why is it Necessary?

Technology is supposed to make our daily lives easier and more efficient. Of course, if you fail to understand modern technology or realize the importance of data security, you and your company will be vulnerable to cyber attacks. Companies aren’t immune...

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Behind the Data Center

The idea behind data backup is that it needs to be dependable and easy to recover. When something awful strikes your computer system and your data, then your backup is your only hope. If you take any unnecessary risks with your backup plan, you are...

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Behind Data Backup

Data backup is a very common term these days, but we don’t always know or understand what’s behind it all. The major questions you have to ask are: why do we backup our data? And how should you be doing it? Data backup is perhaps the most important area of...

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Data Storage: Past, Present and Future

While we don’t want to sound like an old man on a porch talking about “well, back in my day the cloud only meant one thing"…   It is important to understand how far we have come since the days of early data storage to right this very moment. Like most...

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Cyber Threats Ramp Up For Law Firms

The WannaCry attack has company. Late last month, the DLA Piper attack reminded legal professionals that they’re all major ransomware targets. DLA Piper is a multinational law firm located all over the world, including North and South America, Asia,...

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The Importance of Educational Data Backup

It’s hard to believe, but we are only about six weeks away from the start of a brand new college semester. Sorry to be such a bummer to your Summer. But don’t worry students, this is geared more towards your professors and university faculty.   Think...

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What Leads To Data Loss?

It’s the kind of nightmare that will have you waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Whether it’s hardware failure or human error, data loss should be the primary concern for all businesses. Data loss can occur on any device that stores your...

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Who Was Behind Ukraine Ransomware Attack?

  GoldenEye is no longer just known as Pierce Brosnan’s best James Bond movie. The GoldenEye strain of the Petya ransomware was designed to wipe out tons of data from Ukrainian companies. The Ukraine’s SBU security service says it found evidence...

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Myths About Cloud Backup

When people discuss cloud backup, it’s done in an almost mythical jargon. With this comes many misconceptions. Not everyone is really clued in on all the ins and outs of uploading files onto the cloud, which sometimes leads to serious consequences. There...

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The Importance of Data Backup for Law Firms

The importance of having proper data backup for your law firm is serious business. Backup of your clients, cases, and all firm data are essential, and must be part of every law firm’s IT plan. Accidents do happen (32% of data loss is caused by human...

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