hacking Archives | Secure Cloud Backup Software | Nordic Backup

8 Reasons Why Everyone Should Use A VPN

If you don’t already have a virtual private network (VPN), it’s about time you invested in one. A VPN allows you to connect to the internet via a private network anywhere in the world, giving you complete online privacy, anonymity, and security. Whether...

5 Common Cyber Security Problems in the Workplace

Cyber attacks are one of the major concerns facing small business owners. Understanding the most effective ways to keep your data protected is critical in today’s workplace. An IT service provider is a great way to stay proactive against these threats while...

HBO Ransomware Hacker Discovered

You should never think that cyber-crime isn’t a big deal. The massive HBO hack from this past summer, which lead to the early leak of Game of Thrones scripts and full episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm, just to name a couple of HBO programs affected, has lead to charges...
