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Personal, Small Business, Server Pro Data Storage Plans

Here at Nordic Backup, we understand that with the explosion of data creation not going away anytime soon, having off-site data backup is more significant than ever. Understanding the different type of plans available will make your social and work-life easier to...

Behind the Data Center

The idea behind data backup is that it needs to be dependable and easy to recover. When something awful strikes your computer system and your data, then your backup is your only hope. If you take any unnecessary risks with your backup plan, you are inviting a...

Myths About Cloud Backup

When people discuss cloud backup, it’s done in an almost mythical jargon. With this comes many misconceptions. Not everyone is really clued in on all the ins and outs of uploading files onto the cloud, which sometimes leads to serious consequences. There are certain...

Digging Into Malware

We see and hear the term all the time now. Malware. We think we know the ins and outs of it, but there are multiple ways malware can affect businesses. According to a 2014 cyber-security industry report, around 20% of business computers were hosting some type of...

Have Your Data Backed Up for Hurricane Season!

If you noticed a few more Ned Stark “_________ IS COMING” memes floating around social media today, it’s for a single reason. HURRICANE SEASON IS COMING! On May 31st, you and your office were completely normal. June 1st strikes and it’s DEFCON 1 for your entire...