data management Archives | Secure Cloud Backup Software | Nordic Backup

18 Cloud Computing Mistakes that Could Hurt Your Business

Cloud computing has become an integral part of doing business, and for good reason. It allows businesses to be more agile, efficient, and productive. However, as with any new technology, there is a learning curve. And with cloud computing, there are a few potential...

Data Storage: Past, Present and Future

While we don’t want to sound like an old man on a porch talking about “well, back in my day the cloud only meant one thing”…   It is important to understand how far we have come since the days of early data storage to right this very moment. Like most...

What is RAID? Why Do You Need It?

When you read “RAID”, it seems to have a very strong connotation to it. Sounds primal and full of action. The term originally was defined as Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t exactly what you were expecting out of RAID. Over...

Digging Into Malware

We see and hear the term all the time now. Malware. We think we know the ins and outs of it, but there are multiple ways malware can affect businesses. According to a 2014 cyber-security industry report, around 20% of business computers were hosting some type of...

How to Safeguard your Digital Filing System

With all of the digital tools available, running a paperless business is easier than ever. However, no tool is without risk. While physical storage devices and cloud based solutions can make it easy to set up and run a digital filing system, every business must...