The Best Types of Network Backup | Secure Cloud Backup Software | Nordic Backup

If you’re running an office where file sharing is a necessity, having a Network-Attached-Storage (NAS) device can be a smart solution. But not having a secure backup plan in place for your NAS device can be the worst mistake you’ll ever make. Having a backup of your network isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity. Without backing up this business-critical, centralized data, you’ll be leaving your company vulnerable to a data disaster. Prevent data loss due to device damage, failure, viruses, and human error with these network backup solutions:

Incremental or Differential Cloud Backup

Cloud backup is by far the most reliable and foolproof way to backup your data and protect yourself from data loss. However, running a full cloud backup each time you backup your data can be time consuming and costly. The more full backups you run, the more space you’ll need to purchase to store it all. Luckily, there are other types of network backup that can better serve your business needs, without the hefty space requirements. 


Once you run your first full backup, you only need to backup new and changed data in your network from that point forward. This is a cost-efficient way to backup everything you need, without wasting space. There are two types of backup solutions that allow for this. Their differences are subtle, but important:

  • Differential backups backup the files created or changed since your last complete backup, whether it was a week ago, a month ago, etc. Since all changes past the last full backup are being recorded, this type of backup can take up more storage space and be slower to run. However, this also speeds up recovery time because there are fewer files to download.

  • Incremental backups are the most sophisticated type of cloud backup. They backup only the files created or changed since your last full or incremental backup. Because of this, they require less storage space than running a differential backup, and the backup is completed faster. However, with this type of backup, the recovery process can be slower since many small blocks must be downloaded if there were many changes or new files created since the last full backup.

These types of backup are “smarter” compared to full backups because they’re smaller and faster. And since only a small percentage of the total information in your network will be changing on a daily basis, they’re the most recommended way to keep your data protected.

Even better, find a provider that offers continuous incremental backups. A continuous backup feature will backup files the instant they’re created or modified. This type of backup is ideal for busy office environments, where changes to the data on your NAS device are frequent.

A word to the wise: Some NAS devices come with cloud backup as part of the price. But make sure you read the fine print. If the built-in cloud backup doesn’t provide the sophisticated features you need to protect your business’s data from all sides, you need to find a better backup solution.

Make sure the cloud backup software you use to backup your NAS device data includes (at minimum):

  • Continuous backup

  • File versioning (so a good file doesn’t get permanently replaced with a bad one – a must when you’re sharing files across a network!)

  • Encryption

  • And redundant local backup

Redundant Local Backup

While off-site cloud backup is the only way to completely safe-guard your data, it’s also a good idea to have an on-site copy on hand.

Data loss in any form can leach time, money and productivity right out of your business. While a cloud backup solution is the most sophisticated and foolproof way to eliminate a data disaster, having a local device backup can add a layer of convenience and accessibility while your files are being restored to your NAS device (or new device) via your cloud backup.

However, make sure this is not the only type of backup you rely on. Since it is local, if your NAS device undergoes some type of environmental damage, chances are your local backup device will too. It’s never a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket.

The Best Type of Network Backup

The best type of network backup you can invest in is a continuous, incremental cloud backup plan that will store previous file versions, encrypt your data before it enters the cloud, and offers a redundant local backup service at no additional cost. Nordic Backup offers 6 types of network backup plans, perfect for businesses of all sizes. View our 3 Small Business plans, and our 3 Server Pro plans to find your ideal network backup solution.

Secure Online Backup Guide for HIPAA Compliance


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