The GDPR compliance process was a swift one for Nordic Backup. Since its inception fifteen years ago Nordic Backup has retained a strict privacy policy that already adhered to the the main tenants of the GDPR. “Privacy is at the heart of everything we do”, said CEO Morten Westerberg. “Our clients’ data belongs to them and we are very careful to use only the minimum data required to do business. Achieving compliance for standards like HIPAA has always been easy for us because we have total respect for client privacy and a private network protected with the strongest hardware and software encryption available.”
“A main requirement of the GDPR is creating a document that a layman can understand,” continued Westerberg. “We always craft our agreements with this in mind. Transparency creates an important level of trust. When you protect data for years, indefinitely really, your clients are very much your partners.”
You can read the Nordic Backup GDPR Agreement here.