Your Data Center Security Standards Cheat Sheet | Secure Cloud Backup Software | Nordic Backup

As technology advances, we increasingly rely on it to provide us a sense of security for our online activities and information. This is important for private users, and much more important for businesses, as the risk and loss are much greater for companies than individuals.

Online backup is the only foolproof way to ensure all documents are safe and never gone forever. But a good online backup provider is only as good as the data center security standards they abide by to reduce the risks associated with online data storage. There are many types of data centers to choose from so take a look at which options are best fit for the data center security standards you have.

What are the Security Measures?

A good data center should be equipped with multiple levels of access control, including alarms, armed guards, video surveillance, gated perimeter, locked server cabinets, security checkpoints with biometric scanners, uninterruptible power supplies, diesel backup power generators, redundant cooling and multiple redundant gigabit internet connections.shutterstock_158659055

Whatever data center you choose, make sure that your company data center security standards align with your data center solution partners. Your data center should take security measures seriously to avoid being the cause of a data breach. This is why you should ensure that your data center solution meets the auditing standards of SSAE and that their data center security standards are top notch. Once you understand the importance of audited security protocols, you can find the right solution, with proper certification to meet your business needs.

What is right for my business?

One of the most important questions we get at Nordic Backup is: What type of data centers are best for my business needs?

Types of Popular Data Centers

  • Internal In-house Data Center – These require the ability to, design, build and operate your own data facilities. You would need to have a big budget, event monitoring software, and facilities management ready to go if you think this is right for your business. This also means that the data center security standards discussed above are properly set internally.

  • Retail/Wholesale Colocation Data CenterProvides a reduced operational expenditure and the ability to focus the IT resources on your core business competencies. You will get fast networking and quick global connections for the team. You will have complete control over your data center without a cloud partner. Retail co-location is right for your business if you: (1) need a small amount of space, (2) need space for a limited time, (3) plan to expand, (4) need to keep costs down, (5) can’t afford your own data center, (6) need minimal storage in diverse geo locations, or (7) have no time to manage, staff, and maintain your own data center.

  • Dedicated Host Data Center – A lower cost option. This solution may operate or rent a server capacity to a single customer. Servers are not shared among multiple customers.  There are no additional services provided so you maintain full control over your server. This option requires more company resources because you will need to take care of a majority of the management, the security, the memory, the storage,  and most importantly, the IT support. However, some dedicated host data centers offer a complex management service to help you manage your internal resources better. Depending on the agreement with the provider and the additional services you purchase, you can come to an agreement that created a happy medium for your unique needs. Choose your host carefully.

  • Managed Host Data Center In a managed hosting data center, the provider operates servers and storage for you, in addition to administrative and engineer service. This solution provides your business with reduced costs, time efficiency, scalability, higher quality service agreements and support, and most importantly, great security and access, making this the most recommended solution.

Building Trusted Solutions

As the importance of online data backup and access grows, it becomes more important to find the right partners and solutions to trust your data points with.

If you want to find a secure backup provider with the right set of data security standards to match, contact Nordic Backup. We can help you select the perfect cloud backup plan for your business and ensure that your data is secured in world-class data centers, safe from natural disaster, theft and loss.

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