8 Quick Tips to Improve Computer Data Recovery | Secure Cloud Backup Software | Nordic Backup


Data loss can present a frustrating task to those who have to deal with it. For a business, data loss can interfere with normal operations — damaging reputation and finances. With so much at stake, it’s essential for businesses to take a vested interest in protecting their data, in mitigating data loss and in having a data recovery plan mapped out and ready for when the inevitable happens. Here are eight tips you can take to be proactive in planning for every data risk and can use to improve the computer data recovery process as quickly and as painlessly as possible when data loss strikes.

1. Prevention

One of the most costly causes of data loss comes from malicious programs. Ransomware and crypto ware viruses have been known to gradually encrypt all of a user’s data, requesting payment before they’ll release the code to unlock it so the hijacked data can be restored. Because cyber criminals frequently target small businesses, whose systems are notoriously easy to infiltrate, it’s imperative that businesses do everything possible to dodge such threats. Surrendering to payment terms is an option that can return your data to you, but it shouldn’t be your go to plan. Instead, keep your business out of danger’s path by practicing safe online practices such as avoiding visits to unverified sites and avoiding unsafe downloads to your computer. Also, ensure your system is protected from viruses and malware. To completely ensure the recoverability of your computer data, even when it comes to these attacks, you should have a data backup you can rely on. Even if your data is maliciously encrypted, you can use your backup files to completely restore your data as it should be. 

2. Invest In Cloud Backup

While you may not have control over floods, fires, computer failure or other data loss events, you do have control over how you respond to, plan and prepare for them. Waiting until data loss happens is the worst approach you could take. Instead, keep a reliable and easily recoverable copy of all of your data, files, folders and programs by investing in a reliable cloud backup software. Cloud backup allows you to access files that have been lost on a computer either due to malicious or accidental reasons. If ransomware infects your computer, simply restore your device to factory settings and recover your healthy, untouched files from your cloud backup. If your computer takes on irreparable damage, simply access your backup and upload it to a new device. No matter what happens to your data, it’s always easily recoverable with a reliable cloud backup program. This of the most important steps to take in data loss prevention.

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3. Don’t Panic

If you notice that you’ve lost some of your data, one of the worst things you can do is to panic, which can make the problem worse. The quicker and smarter you are in responding to a data loss event, the more likely you’ll be to recover the most of your data. This starts with having a data loss recovery plan in place. Ask yourself, would you know what to do if your computer crashed, if your system was encrypted, or if you permanently changed or deleted an important file? If you’re not sure of the answer, your data and the health of your business could be in great jeopardy. With your data loss recovery plan mapped out, you’ll have a list of appropriate steps to take in any data loss event so that you can recover from it as quickly and efficiently as possible. When disasters happen, preparation is key.

4. Limit Your Usage

Once you notice a computer system or data loss issue, best practices instruct that you limit the usage of your system as much as possible until you have time to investigate and attend to the issue. Not doing so can make matters worse, causing you to overwrite lost data and making it harder for you to recover lost files. Unless you can pinpoint the problem and are sure that the data you’re accessing won’t worsen the loss, limit your use of the computer until it’s looked at.

5. Bring Your Computer To An Expert

If you are very worried about your lost data and it is your highest priority to recover that data, then you should take your device to an expert as soon as possible. They’ll be able to diagnose the problem, and may be able to help you recover some (or all) of your data.

6. Don’t Download Or Install A New Program To Your Computer

It should be noted that this includes downloading a data recovery program, if you’re planning to DIY. Downloading or installing a new program to your computer can overwrite the data you’re trying to recover and it can cause newly created data to be lost as well. Use data recovery programs that can be externally accessed, such as through a CD.

business data loss defenses

7. Choose Safe And Verified Data Recovery Software

If you choose to DIY, select data recovery software that it authentic and safe to use. Ideally, you should search to find which data recovery software is the best for your system and has been used before by many people successfully as proof of its credibility.

8. Be Proactive

Learn to recognize the signs of a failing hard drive. Doing so will make it easier for you to anticipate data loss before it happens, giving you time to take action. Some common signs of a failing hard drive include clicking, grinding or whirring sounds. Also take note if your system begins running sluggishly. When you hear or notice these signs, shut your computer down immediately and unplug it from its power source, then continue with your data recovery plan.

What You Should Do Now

Now that you have some tips to improve your data recovery process, you should be able to utilize them and also be proactive in avoiding or, at least, minimizing data loss.

As mentioned above, cloud backup is one of the most important steps you can take when preventing data loss. Cloud backup lets you easily access files that may have been lost, deleted or corrupted and allows you to continue your work without the painful and timely hassle of recovering the data from scratch and starting anew.

Nordic Backup offers excellent cloud backup technology that automatically backs up new and updated data files without the need for manual backups. Additionally, Nordic Backup allows for unlimited data backups that eliminate the need to delete old files to make room for new ones — giving you access to previous file versions (which can be incredibly helpful when you need to revert to an older version of a document — as is the case when viruses strike). Click here to find about more about Nordic Backup and how it can help aid in data loss prevention.

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