HIPAA Compliance Archives | Secure Cloud Backup Software | Nordic Backup

3 Stress-Free Medical Records Management Approaches

Managing medical records is a critical component of running any medical practice. This IT function is what keeps healthcare providers in compliance with HIPAA, keeps medical records up-to-date and on-file, and allows medical practitioners to provide excellent health...

3 HIPAA PHI Storage Best Practices

Protected health information, or PHI for short, is defined by HIPAA as information that identifies a patient by name, or information that when taken together or used with other information may be used to identify a patient. The goal of HIPAA is to protect patient...

HIPAA Cloud Storage: The Dos and Don’ts of Compliance

Electronic storage options are taking increasing precedence over paper records in business environments — and medical offices are no exception. With the switch over to electronic patient health records (ePHI), medical practitioners must consider how they’ll keep...

The HIPAA Privacy Rule: How it Affects Data Management

With greater technological advances comes greater responsibility. In an age in which businesses must now find ways to protect their data both online and off, it is now more vital than ever that businesses of all kinds, especially those in heavily regulated industries,...
