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8 Ways Managed IT Services Benefit IT Departments

As new technologies are developed and accepted, more and more businesses are realizing the benefits of offloading IT operations to a managed IT services provider. Once reserved for Fortune 500 companies, now even small to medium sized business can utilize...

7 Steps to Include in your Data Migration Plan

If you’re preparing to replace or upgrade servers, conduct server maintenance, or relocate to a data center, following a data migration plan can streamline the process. Without one, there’s a high risk that, during the process of transferring your data between systems...

12 Simple DLP Security Measures that Keep your Data Safe

  For organizations relying on computer systems, data loss prevention (or DLP for short) is about keeping important information safe from loss and deletion, and retrievable in the event that the worst cannot be prevented. Misplaced, stolen or damaged information...

The Reason Most Cyber Risk Management Plans Fail

While hacks and breaches involving large corporations may be the ones that make headlines, every business is a target for cyber security attacks. Yet, many small and medium sized businesses still treat cyber risk management as an add-on; performing the bare minimum...

The True Cost of Downtime and What it Means for Your Business

  Calculating the cost of downtime stemming from loss of access to essential company documents and data is a pertinent equation every small business in the competitive marketplace of the modern world must determine. Even a few minutes of downtime, spread across...