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Best Ways To Avoid Ransomware

Ransomware is nothing new. It has been around for nearly a decade. This year, it’s gotten so much exposure that this past summer has been dubbed “The Summer of Ransomware”. Whether your company is a bank, or in the entertainment field, you may have felt the...

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is known for a lot of events. We have Halloween, leaves turning color in the northeast, not to mention sports galore. Baseball playoffs, the start of both the NBA and NHL season, and football is already in month number two. But one event shouldn’t go...

Importance of Data Restoration

The importance of data restoration can’t be understated. If you believe that it’s something your business doesn’t have to think about, that mindset needs to change immediately. Whether you’re a small business owner, or you’re running a massive company, you...

Five Computer Viruses To Keep An Eye On

Five of the most common computer viruses can put a damper on your day-to-day work environment. If you are unprepared for such an event, then you could face a severe virus that can cause chaos to your system. This means headaches such as file deletion, loss of data,...

Hackers Hide Malware Inside CCleaner

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before. A company has found itself at the mercy of cyber-criminals. Welcome to what seems to be the day-to-day news in the world of hacking. No longer can organizations be surprised by these actions. Now is the time for protection and...